Friday, March 28, 2025

TGIF + Weekend Plans

Thank God it’s Friday! We have no plans tonight but we are thinking about going swimming as a family at the YMCA this evening.

Tomorrow, I’ll probably start a loaf of sourdough. I typically do that on Saturdays. I am also scheduled for a spa pedicure! I finally decided that this will be my reward for losing 10 pounds in March! My last official weigh-in for March will be posted on Monday.

On Sunday, we are likely purchasing a new washer and dryer. The washer has been getting stuck in the middle of its “wash” cycle for weeks now, which is very annoying. I have to switch the mode to “drain and spin” in order to finish the load. Our dryer has recently gotten extremely loud and so it looks like they are both at the end of their life cycle. It’s unfortunate because the washer and dryer are only 5 years old. Our current set is Maytag. We are looking to switch to Samsung, possibly. We still have a few days to decide!

All week we have been looking forward to ordering Mexican for dinner sometime this weekend. We were ordering Mexican weekly for a time this winter, but we haven’t ordered out Mexican in a while and so it feels really special now. We can’t wait!

These are all of the exciting things we have planned for this weekend! How about you? I hope it’s great and I’ll catch up with you on Monday!

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Sausage Mushroom and Caper Omelet

I came up with a new recipe for myself at breakfast yesterday. I couldn’t think of anything that sounded good to eat, so I was just looking around in our pantry and fridge trying to decide what I wanted to eat. That’s when I saw the capers that I had bought for dinner and had an idea to incorporate them into an omelet.

I love capers but I’ve only really had them in chicken piccata or a lemon caper fish dish. I wasn’t sure if they would be good in an omelet but, I gave it a try and I’m really glad that I did!

I started by adding a couple tablespoons of mushrooms and crumble sausage to the pan. After I heated that up and tossed it around a bit, I added one scrambled egg and one egg white. I sprinkled a tsp of capers on top of the eggs and cooked it like you could an omelet. 

The flavor combination was exactly what I was hoping for! I am glad to have a new reason to make capers a regular pantry staple in our house!

Nutrition info: 150 calories; 11 grams protein; 2 grams carbs; 10 grams fat

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Date Night Recap: Bridge Street Tavern

It’s mid-week and I’m thinking now would be a good time for a date night recap. My husband and I try to go on date nights as often as we can, usually on Friday nights.

Depending on how much time we’ve gotten together as a family, we will sometimes use Friday nights for “family date nights” and will include the kids. Most of our family date nights have been spent swimming indoors at the YMCA this winter.

Last Friday was a date night for just my husband and I. We went back to the harbor in Ashtabula, and we tried a new restaurant. We are hoping to try as many restaurants on the harbor as we can this year!

This time, we went to the Bridge Street Tavern. We were in a snacky mood so we ordered a pub pretzel, onion rings, and chicken wings. We split the wings and got 6 orange Thai chili, and 6 maple bbq. Everything was amazing!

After dinner, we walked over to the coffee shop before they closed. Nick got an iced matcha and I got a king cake latte.

Since the coffee shop was closing, we drove around the area and found the cutest beach with a beautiful view of the sunset.

It was the best way to end our evening!

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Recovering from the Stomach Bug

Happy Tuesday! Yesterday was all about getting back in the swing of things after being down with the stomach bug on Sunday. The sickness lasted less than 24 hours, thankfully.

Even though my eating wasn’t completely back to normal yesterday I still tracked what I ate and worked on getting a gallon of water in. Hydration is always important but especially after having a stomach bug!

My husband got me a Bai water to help with my hydration, which was so sweet of him! Bai waters are great for hydration but they are a little too sweet for my taste. I still love them! I just pour half of the Bai water into a cup and add equal parts water. By doing this I essentially get two drinks in one, and they aren’t as sweet this way!

I mostly snacked throughout the day on crackers and bread because I knew that my stomach could handle it. My first real, balanced meal was dinner last night and I was so happy to be eating good food again.

I didn’t go for a walk yesterday since my energy was still low, but I hope to start incorporating walks into my days again sometime this week! I’ve noticed all I need is 15 minutes of walking in the afternoon and it gives me a wonderful second wind to get me through the day!

With April being one week away, I am starting to think of what goals and actions I want to prioritize for the month. I do believe walking will be something I prioritize more in the month of April. I wasn’t completely consistent with my walking in March, but I did it often enough to know how much better I feel when I complete a walk and I know it’s something I want to keep doing in April!

Monday, March 24, 2025

Nobody Wants to Lose Just 1 Pound

Nobody wants to lose just one pound, until they’re just one pound away from their goal! That’s where I’m at, and with plenty of time to spare.


March 1: 240lbs. 
March 7: 237lbs. 
March 14: 233lbs.
March 21: 231lbs.

I know I’ll be reaching my 10 pound weight-loss goal anytime now. The new goal now is to keep the weight off for the remainder of March, and to not lose steam in April. I want to keep losing!

Sunset from date night on Friday - I’ll hopefully post about it soon!

It’s also time to start thinking about what I want my weight-loss reward to be. I mentioned earlier in the month that I want to reward myself for every 10 pounds lost. I’m still thinking on what the reward will be.

Meal plan for this week:

Sunday: Chili + Sourdough

Monday: Egg Roll Bowls

Tuesday: Chicken Sausage + Roast Veg + Potatoes

Wednesday: Slow Mexi Chicken

Thursday: Lemon Caper Fish + Pasta + Salad

Friday: OTE

I actually didn’t eat or make dinner last night so the Chili that was scheduled for Sunday can wait for next weekend or be used as a fill in on a day when I’d rather have that for dinner than what’s on the menu.

The stomach bug that has been going through our house finally caught up to me, Sunday morning. My husband joked that now I’ll really meet my weight-loss goal. Truth be told I usually either gain weight or stay around the same weight when I’m sick and recovering. I think it’s because I eat a lot more carbs than I’m used to since that’s typically accepted by my stomach during and after having the stomach bug. Time will tell! All I care about right now is feeling better and getting back some of my energy!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Every Day is a Treat

Happy Friday! It’s date night with my husband tonight and so I will not be tracking my nutrition today. I’m also not going to use date night as an excuse to go too overboard with my eating. I’m just not tracking what I eat today.

Although I’m not tracking my nutrition today, I will still be tracking and aiming for a full gallon of water. I will also be walking for 15 minutes on the treadmill (or outside, depending on how the day goes).

My goal in general is to track my nutrition for 5/7 days a week. This doesn’t mean that I undo all of my progress in those two days off from tracking just because I don’t have to track what I eat.

I also should mention that I don’t like to call these days off from tracking nutrition “treat days” because I actually enjoy treats every day.

It might be more accurate for me to say that every day is a treat! I don’t limit treats in my every day diet, I just eat in moderation and take balance into consideration more often than not. 80/20.

Thanks for stopping by today! Stop back on Monday for my weigh-in results from this morning and my thoughts about it all!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

What I Ate: Tuesday 3/18

Happy Thursday! Today, I’m sharing everything I ate on Tuesday because I actually remembered to take photos of everything I ate that day.

My daughters were home from school and so I had some extra time that morning to make bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast.

Breakfast: 254 calories

We had one of Laney’s friends and her mom over for lunch and a playdate on Tuesday, so we kept the meal kid-friendly with mac-n-cheese and chicken tenders.

Lunch: 333 calories

After the play date, we needed to go into town to visit the optometrist office to get Piper’s lenses swapped out in her glasses. It’s about mid-way through the year when we like to take advantage of the free lens replacement. Piper said everything looked so much more clear afterward. That was nice to hear!

We stopped by Tim Horton’s while we were out and got ourselves an afternoon snack. The girls each got two Timbits and I got myself a medium vanilla cream cold brew with cold foam.

Afternoon Snack: 410 calories

For dinner, we had chicken sausage links with leftover mac, cottage cheese and some raw bell peppers. This meal was super filling, and decent on calories and macro balance.

Dinner: 359 calories

Evening Snack: 160 calories premier protein shake + 140 calories (2) Tagalong cookies

Tuesday’s total: 1,656 calories

I stayed within calories on Tuesday and felt satisfied! I also got in a full gallon of water! I haven’t had my own water bottle for quite some time now. So, I bought myself a new $4 water bottle from Walmart the other day and I love it!

Water Intake: 120 ounces 

I believe my new water bottle is giving me more incentive to drink water more often. Sometimes it’s the little things that help the most!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Little House on the Prairie

If you remember a few posts ago I mentioned that my husband and I stayed up too late watching The Little House on the Prairie. I am surprised that we both equally enjoy the show, but I don’t think I should be surprised because we are both enjoy the simple things in life and that’s what the show is mostly about.

My oldest daughter, who is now 10 years old, watched the first episode with us. Now, we’re reading the book together each night before bed. She is an excellent reader and could definitely read this book by herself, but it’s been more special for us both for me to read it out loud to her.

There’s something about having a 10 year old that has made me so keenly aware of how fast childhood goes by. Motherhood in this regard is bittersweet. 

Having our children grow up is the goal, but it’s hard to know these days are so fleeting. Especially when they are so beautiful. We’ve been savoring these days, and reading together before bed is one of the ways we do that even more.

hope she always remembers when I’d read to her before bed. These are some of my most cherished memories, and they’re currently in the making. God is good.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Date Night on the Harbor

I know it’s Tuesday, but I’m still thinking about my last date night with my husband. I wanted to share so that I have the memory saved here.

We tried Briquette’s Smokehouse on the Harbor in Ohio, and it was worth the drive! There are a lot of restaurants on the Harbor and we intend to try a different one the next time we’re in Ashtabula. As our first stop, Briquette’s didn’t disappoint! I had the pulled pork nacho’s and my husband got the Texas brisket sandwich.

After dinner, we went right next door to the Habor Perk coffee shop. If that’s not an indicator that we’re nearing 40 years old, I don’t know what is… just kidding. There are plenty of indicators that were nearing 40 years old. We are grateful to be growing older together.

I got the hot King Cake latte (almond, praline, cinnamon-sugar) and Nick got the iced Green Man Matcha (Irish cream matcha). Both drinks were amazing, and it was such a relaxing way to end the night together before going home to our daughters. God is good, and we are blessed.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Mid-March Weigh-In + Dinner Meal Plan

I’m very excited about my weight-loss progress so far! I set a goal to lose 10 pounds in March. We’re two weeks into March now and I’m more than halfway to my weigh-loss goal!


March 1: 240lbs.
March 7: 237lbs.
March 14: 233lbs.

On Friday, I made a dinner meal plan for this week. I like to plan for the week ahead on Friday’s so that I can grocery shop for the entire week during the weekend.

We’ve been ordering groceries through the Walmart app and picking them up instead of shopping in the store. It’s been saving us a lot of time, especially during this busy season of life with little kids.

Dinner Meal Plan

Sunday: Steak + Mixed Veggies + Potatoes 
Monday: Egg Roll Bowls 
Tuesday: Chicken Sausage + Roasted Veg + Potatoes Wednesday: Life Group Taco Bar 
Thursday: Chili + Sourdough 
Friday: OTE / Date Night

It’s Monday afternoon now and I’m eating a steak wrap for lunch, made with leftover steak from dinner last night. I have been enjoying wraps for lunch almost every day in March. It’s easy to switch them up. I typically use whatever protein I have on hand.

Last week I made a lot of chicken based wraps because I had bought a rotisserie chicken to use throughout the week. Today’s wrap was a steak with tomato, lettuce, red onion and mayo. So delicious!

If you get a moment, leave a comment to let me know one of your current favorites from your own dinner meal plan! I’d have to say my current favorite from ours is “Egg Roll Bowls” because it’s high volume with a low caloric impact, and super satisfying.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Girl Scout Cookie Diet

The title is a joke, obviously. :)

My friend was selling Girl Scout cookies outside of the school gymnasium where we were visiting my daughter’s science fair the other day. After we were done, we bought a few boxes of cookies to bring home with us. My favorite Girl Scout cookie of all time is Samoas. 

As I was enjoying a couple cookies at home, I started thinking about how I would never willingly want to go on a diet that wouldn’t allow Girl Scout cookies. I’d understand if health concerns or allergies wouldn’t allow, but to give up cookies solely for weight-loss purposes; I don’t think so. There has to be another way!

Thankfully, in my case, there is another way. At this time, I don’t have any health restrictions that would prevent me from having cookies, sugar or gluten. So, I enjoy them in moderation, and I can still lose weight. What gets me in trouble is when I don’t practice moderation with them, or with any food for that matter.

Eating out of balance is what got me to my highest weight. I was using food to soothe instead of to fuel. That’s something that is likely always going to be a struggle of mine. Right now, I’m very self aware of it and I am taking action every day to work on creating more balance in my eating and lifestyle in general. Blogging helps keep me focused on my needs, my downfalls, and my goals.

Thanks for visiting today! If you get a moment, share your favorite Girl Scout cookie in the comments!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Egg Roll Bowls

There are some meals that have been apart of my healthy-living journey from a long time ago that I’m bringing back around and incorporating into our meal plan again. Egg roll in a bowl, or as I’ve been calling it: egg roll bowl, has been a great asset in meal planning. This meal has a good balance of vegetables, protein and carbs. It comes together super quick, too!

I’ve been using coconut aminos instead of the regular liquid aminos (which is a great alternative to soy sauce) and I must say the coconut liquid aminos is my favorite part of this meal. 

The flavor of the coconut liquid aminos truly takes this dish to the next level and makes me feel like I’m eating a meal from a restaurant. This is a great meal to make when you’re craving egg rolls or Chinese food in general.

Egg Roll Bowls

2 cups of brown rice, cooked separately
1 lb ground turkey
1 bag of tri-colored cole slaw mix
Coconut liquid aminos 

Brown the ground turkey in a skillet over medium heat. When fully cooked, add the cole slaw mix. Stir and cook down for a few minutes or until the vegetables are to your desired texture (we don’t mind a little crunch).

Add cooked brown rice and ground turkey mixture to a bowl, top with some liquid aminos, and enjoy! So simple and delicious!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Waking Up 30 Min Earlier

One of the goals I’ve been working on consistently in March is waking up at least 30 minutes earlier than I need to wake up. Before I set this goal, I would sleep in until 7am and on some rare mornings when my kids slept in, I’d also sleep in until 7:30.

This week, I’ve been waking up at 6:30 am. In the few days of March before daylight savings went into effect, I was waking up at 5:30 am. That was really nice! I might eventually get back to that, but it would require me going to bed earlier.

When I woke up yesterday morning at 6:30am I needed a little more encouragement and to revisit my “why”. I really didn’t want to wake up quite yet. The night before, my husband and I had stayed up too late watching The Little House on the Prairie, which is not something I ever thought I’d say. We’ve never watched that show before, and we didn’t think we’d be interested in it, but it has been captivating in its own way. It definitely makes you appreciate how little we have to work for our basic needs being met, today.

The reason I started working on waking up earlier is partially because I realized that as easy as it was to sleep in, it was hard waking up just to jump straight into getting things done. 

When I’d wake up later in the morning, I would need to immediately start packing school lunch, make a warm breakfast for the girls, and help make sure book bags are packed for school. It was a full on rush, and the rushing made me dread waking up.

Now that I wake up earlier, I have the luxury of taking it easy. I also get more connection with my kids in the mornings since I don’t have to rush. If they want a snuggle on the couch, I have time for it and I can relish in it because I woke up early enough!

It’s taken some time to rewire my brain to believe that waking up is worth it, but it has proved to be true. Some mornings I just wake up early and stay in bed. On those mornings I will journal while appreciating the comfort of just being in bed and not having anything that needs done quite yet. Sometimes I will use that time to read scripture. Occasionally I’ll watch a motivating YouTube video. 

It’s been so nice waking up to some “me time”. It really helps to fill my bucket first thing, so I have more to pour out for my loved ones throughout the day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Sourdough Bread Recipe

I started making sourdough last year and my entire family loves it! I am proud that my starter is my very own. I lovingly started it in October of 2024. It took a lot of patience before my starter finally took off! Although I fed my starter every day, it didn’t fully mature enough to make high-quality loaves until January of 2025. Since then, we’ve been in business. The bread business.

When baking sourdough artisan loaves, I use a recipe I found at Farmhouse on Boone’s website. That website is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about baking with sourdough. I use the “Beginner’s Bread” recipe, and haven’t had any need to try another. It turns out so good every time! Below, I’ve shared the recipe doubled to make two loaves!


  • 950 grams all-purpose flour 
  • 3 1/2 cups 
  • 200 grams starter active and bubbly (1/2 cup) 
  • 650 grams water 1 1/3 cups 
  • 20 grams salt 2 teaspoons 


1. Feed a sourdough starter 4-12 hours before starting the dough, ensuring it is active and bubbly. 

2. Combine warm water, active starter, salt, and flour with a wooden spoon or even just your hands in a large mixing bowl. 

3. Cover with plastic wrap or a lid and allow to rest for 30 minutes for the water to hydrate the flour. 

Stretch And Fold 

1. Grab the edge of the dough and pull up stretching it out as you pull upwards. This may be difficult and you may need to kind of bounce the dough to get it to stretch. Place dough that is in your hands back into the center. Turn the bowl about a quarter turn and complete another stretch and fold. Repeat two more times. This is considered one round. 

2. Thirty minutes later, complete another round of stretch and folds. Cover and allow the dough to rest another 30 minutes. 

3. Complete one last stretch and fold round. 

4. Cover with a lid, damp towel, or plastic wrap. Let the dough bulk ferment in a warm place until it has doubled in size. This could be anywhere from 6-12 hours (or longer) depending on the temperature of your kitchen, maturity of your starter, etc. Be careful not to let it over ferment. 


1. Place the dough on a clean work surface that has been lightly dusted with flour. Fold the dough onto itself and roll up. Then shape into a ball by gently spinning it toward you. 

2. Optional - Let the dough sit out for 15-20 minutes uncovered. This prevents the dough from sticking to the tea towel during the overnight rise. 

3. Turn over and shape. I do this by folding the two sides over to meet in the middle, pinch together and then repeat on the other two sides. This creates surface tension which helps give it more oven spring (a good rise). 

4. Transfer to a floured banneton or bowl with a floured tea towel (typically floured with rice flour, this is not necessary and all-purpose will work just fine) seam side up. 

5. Cover with plastic or place in a plastic bag and tie the ends. Let the dough rest for 12-15 hours in the refrigerator. You can also let the bread rise at room temperature for 3-4 hours. I like using the longer rise time in the refrigerator because it is easier to score and feel like the oven spring is better. 


1. Preheat a dutch oven to 500 degrees for 1 hour. 

2 Remove dough from the fridge right before baking. Place dough on a piece of parchment paper. 

3. Dust with flour, if desired, and score with lame or razor blade. I like to do one large score (called an expansion score) and then a cute design for the other score. 

4. Carefully, transfer the piece of parchment paper with the dough into the hot dutch oven. Careful not to burn your fingers. 

5. Place the lid back on and place the dutch oven into the hot oven. Bake for 20 minutes. 

6. Remove the lid with oven mitts, turn the oven temperature down to 475, and bake an additional 15-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ham and Bean Soup Recipe

Happy Tuesday! Do you know the best thing about making soup on a Sunday? Having leftover soup for lunch the next day, and the day after that. Especially when there’s fresh homemade sourdough in the house. I’ll share that recipe soon!

Today, I wanted to share my ham and bean soup with you. Every time I make soup, I do it a little different. However, I’ll share the way that I happened to make it on Sunday. It turned out very good, hearty and soothing.

Ham and Bean Soup

1 chunk of ham from the deli, chopped
8 cups vegetable broth
1 can diced potatoes
1 can great northern beans
1 onion, chopped
2 tbsp butter
1 small cabbage head, chopped
4 large carrots, peeled and chopped 
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Melt butter in the bottom of a pot, over medium heat. Add chopped onions, a pinch of salt and pepper.
2. Add chopped carrots and chopped cabbage, cook for about 5 minutes, stirring regularly, until onions are looking more translucent.
3. Add vegetable broth, cook for about 10 minutes. Stirring occasionally.
4. Add ham, beans and diced potatoes. Reduce heat to a simmer for about 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender to your liking, then serve.

Sometimes I slice Yukon gold potatoes instead of using diced potatoes. Sometimes I add a quart jar of our very own canned diced tomatoes to change it up a bit. I love soups because they are so versatile. I am also very grateful that we have “soup kids”, as my husband and I call them, because our kids love just about every kind of soup I make and this one was no exception!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Dinner Meal Planning

Happy Monday! Today, I’m sharing dinner plans for the week ahead. Actually, I’ll back it up a day to share what we had last night for dinner, just to give you a broader view of our meal plan. 

Sunday - Ham + Bean Soup w/ Vegetables

Monday - Slow Cooker Mexi Chicken + Brown Rice

Tuesday - Chicken Sausage + Veggies + Potatoes

Wednesday - Lemon Caper Salmon + Pasta + Salad

Thursday - Egg Roll Bowls

Friday - Homemade Pizza + Salad

Whenever I make a dinner plan for the week, I do a couple of things. First, I check what we have in the fridge and pantry. Then, I check our schedule to see what I will have time to make each night. Our plans for each week lately have included a gymnastics night for our 4 year old, and basketball practices for our 10 year old. Some weeks we also meet up with our friends for life group, which some people call small group or Bible study group. 

I also work one (4 hour) evening a week at our church which is why I mentioned “bringing dinner to work” in a previous post as a form of self care. There have been many times when I wouldn’t plan ahead for my work night, and I’d just grab fast food on my way in. I love that I get to work one night a week, now. For a couple years I was working two nights a week but now that my 4 year-old is in preschool, I can work remotely for some hours during the day, too!

During the winter months, every evening when we don’t have something planned has been spent playing board games with the family, or watching a movie. The forecast this week, however, looks promising that we may get more time outside! We’re all to the point of winter where we’re feeling a little cooped up. 

Last night we went for a family walk and while it was chilly, the sunshine felt so nice. I plan on getting out on a walk as often as the weather allows this week!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Homemade English Muffins

Happy Sunday! It’s Daylight Savings day for those of us who live in the United States. I am so excited about getting more sunshine in the evenings!

Yesterday, I made the yummiest homemade English muffins for breakfast. The English muffins were made with sourdough discard. I’ll share the recipe, here. My entire breakfast sandwich was 330 calories. It was made with one sausage patty, one egg and half a slice of deluxe American cheese.

I’ve been making sourdough bread weekly for a few months, now. I enjoy the rhythm of it all. The taste and health benefits of sourdough make it extra worth it. Making discard recipes is an added bonus. If you make sourdough and have discard to use up, I highly recommend trying English muffins!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

80/20 Lifestyle

It’s Saturday! I don’t anticipate blogging much during the weekend but I did want to pop on to share what you can expect. My intention is to blog as often as I can, Monday - Friday. If I don’t post one day, check back the next day! I don’t plan on taking extended time off right now because blogging is a part of my current self care goals.

I shared my current weight-loss goals, yesterday. If you happened to miss that post you can find it, here

Right now, I am aiming to track my nutrition 5/7 days a week. Yesterday, I treated myself to a cold brew (vanilla cream with cold foam) and hashbrown at breakfast, and I went out to eat for dinner while on a date night with my husband. This is part of balancing a healthy lifestyle for me.

If you’ve been here for a while, you may remember that I firmly believe in an 80/20 lifestyle. That is, making the best choices 80% of the time and leaving room for date nights, and the occasional treat 20% of the time. An all-or-nothing lifestyle is not a long-term solution for me.

So, I’ll make sure to show some of the 80% type of lifestyle choices that I make and some of my 20% type of lifestyle choices.

Even though yesterday fell mostly in the 20% range of things with a breakfast treat and dinner out with my husband, I still made a healthy choice for lunch (homemade buffalo turkey wrap) and went for an afternoon walk by the Lake.

If I were operating in an all-or-nothing mindset my day would have been blown at breakfast. I wouldn’t have seen the worth of going for an afternoon walk. The truth is, every choice we make adds up, and in order to move toward a more healthy lifestyle overall, I’m going to be making better choices most of the time, but it honestly won’t be the best choices all of the time. Balance in everything is healthy, and that’s what I try to keep in mind.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Re-establishing Weight-Loss Goals

Happy Friday! Thanks for being here! I am really happy with the progress I made this week. I was trying to be more intentional with my self-care and I feel like I did a great job!

Here are some of the ways I took care of myself this week.

  • Blogging
  • Journaling
  • Waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual
  • Spending more time in my Bible and in prayer
  • Walking for 15 minutes every day in the afternoon
  • Drinking more water
  • Tracking my nutrition and staying within my range
  • Packed my dinner for when I was working in-office

  • Taking better care of myself including trying to lose weight. 

When I began this blog about 14 years ago, my goal was to lose 100 pounds. At the time, I was 270 pounds. I had lost about 40 pounds over that time, which was a great accomplishment for me.

Last weekend, on March 1st, I weighed in at 240lbs. That’s about 10 pounds up from where I had been maintaining my 40 pound weight-loss. 

This past year I lost my focus on trying to maintain and lose weight. I believe blogging and focusing more on self care will help me reach my weight-loss goals, as I set new goals.

While I took a break from it, I DON’T want to give up on my over-arching 100 pound weight-loss goal that I set when I was 270 pounds. I know it will take some time, even starting 30 pounds into it. So, smaller weight-loss goals is what I plan to focus on to get me there.

This week, I lost 3 pounds. I’m 237 pounds right now. By the end of the month, I’d like to be around 230 pounds. That would give me a 10 pounds weight-loss for the month and get me back to 40 pounds down from my highest weight.

When I reach 230 pounds, I will celebrate in some small way. I might schedule a massage for myself, or a pedicure. I used to do this years ago and I call it a “weight-loss reward”. It’s a nice incentive, but the true reward is gaining better health.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Walking Daily

It was 50° yesterday and so, I talked myself into going for a walk outside. I almost didn’t go, but the forecast shows colder weather the rest of the week so it was kind of a “now or not-for-a-long-time” kind of thing. I’m really glad that I did it!

My oldest daughter came on the walk with me. We both missed walking around in nature. It was a nice little taste of what is to come this Spring.

As we were walking I had the feeling I was shaking the dust off of myself from a long winter spent indoors. I could tell my cardiovascular was not what it was last summer. I wouldn’t say it was a struggle to breathe, but I could just tell that I hadn’t done this in a while. That became even more apparent when my daughter convinced me to walk up a good sized hill. I took a picture from the top but I don’t feel that the picture does it justice. We were both a little out of breath by the time we reached the top.

Being outside made me realize how much I want to get back in shape. I want to be able to take walks without much resistance from my body. I want to feel better physically.

I’ve made sure to walk for 15 minutes on my treadmill almost every day this past week. I’ve been using it as a way to give myself a second wind in the afternoon. It feels as though I have found the right time for me to workout. I used to try to workout in the mornings and I’d be ready for bed by the afternoon. When I go for an afternoon walk, I get the energy I need to finish the day well and I am ready for a good nights sleep at the appropriate time.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Familiarity and Habits

Thanks for being here, today! I’ve been reading the book, “The Mountain is You” which has been a game changer for my self awareness. It helped me to realize that I’ve been stuck in certain patterns due to the feeling of familiarity it provided. I’ve learned that our brain tends to comprehend familiarity to be good for us even when it might not necessarily be true. For example, it feels good in the moment to sleep in. However, I know that when I wake up earlier I get more time to take care of myself.

Breaking a pattern of familiarity isn’t done by “feeling” like doing it. It’s done by simply taking action and doing it. The good feelings will come from taking action. This is something else I’ve been learning. I can’t live my life solely on feelings, because honestly, we’ll rarely feel like doing what’s best for us and even if we do, it will likely only be a short time until we crave the familiarity of our habits. I guess this is why you hear about how important it is to create healthy habits. Habits are familiar and we now know we tend to crave familiarity.

Today just happens to be Ash Wednesday. I’m not sure how or if you observe the season of Lent. My church has encouraged it’s congregation to give up social media for Lent. To be honest, I’m not a fan of blanket requirements for Lent. I connect more with the meaning of Lent when I personally seek God and ask what I should be giving up or adding to this season. After some prayer and journaling, I’ve come to realize giving up social media is a worthy practice for this season. We know the enemy comes to steal, and social media steals more time than I’d like to admit. So, I’m surrendering it in this season. Who knows, maybe refraining from social media will become one of my new healthy habits. I look forward to sharing more of the healthy habits I’m working on cultivating in this season.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

What I Ate: Monday 3/3

Welcome back to the blog! I took photos of everything I ate yesterday. This was a fun way to stay accountable to eating more balanced. I knew that I wanted to post the pictures here for future inspiration. I’ll add the calories that I logged for each meal, but please keep in mind that I do not track calories for most vegetables because the caloric impact for vegetables is so little that they aren’t worth counting to me. Not tracking calories for most vegetables also encourages me to add more vegetables to my plate. It seems like a win/win to me.

Breakfast: 1 egg (from our chickens); 1 chicken sausage link; a small handful of spinach; 3 grape tomatoes; 40 grams cottage cheese; tbsp of canned mushrooms. ~315 calories

Lunch: 1 tortilla wrap; 3 oz shredded rotisserie chicken; 1 serving buffalo sauce; 1 tbsp ranch; shredded carrots; spinach. ~275 calories

Afternoon snack: 1 premier protein mixed with about 4 oz of black iced coffee. ~160 calories

Dinner: 3 oz salmon; 1 cup baked feta and tomato pasta; side salad. ~495 calories

Evening snack: peanut butter and jelly sandwich. ~385 calories

Total calories: ~1,630

I truly enjoyed everything I ate yesterday! Eating more balanced and healthy food does taste good! I say these simple truths because it sounds counter-cultural to say. Our minds don’t tend to believe that eating healthy food can be as satisfying as eating fast food, but it’s true. It also felt good to be making good choices. As Tony Robbin’s says, “we are happiest when we are progressing.” 

I have been trying to focus on what I can add to my plate instead of focusing on what I can take away for the sake of “saving on calories”. For breakfast, I added spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms. For lunch, I added spinach and carrots. For dinner, I added a side salad. I could have done without those things to “save on calories” but that’s not my mindset. I mention it because it used to be a part of my mindset, and it didn’t serve me as well. This brings me back around to why I don’t count calories for some vegetables. It makes me more willing to add them to my plate!

Monday, March 3, 2025

First Post of a New Chapter

If you’re new to this blog, welcome! You’re coming in at the start of something new. If you’ve found yourself back to my blog, welcome back! It’s been a couple of years.

I’m Kalyn and I’m a millennial. I started blogging in 2011. I took a break from blogging from 2023 until now, 2025. I stopped blogging because it was no longer serving me in that season of my life. At the time, blogging became something I viewed more as an obligation. When I wasn’t keeping up with my own blogging expectations, it became a source of defeat rather than something that brought me joy. I made my blog private during my break because I was no longer comfortable sharing all of the photos of my children with the world. Moving forward, if I share photos of my family their privacy will be taken into account much better.

The reason I started blogging in 2011 was to help keep myself accountable to my goal of losing weight. This is why my blog is called: Goal of Losing. I still have a goal of losing weight but it’s not as much of a priority as it once was for me and I’d like to change that so I can improve my health. 

I am also back now because I miss the benefits of blogging. When I write a post, I must sit with my own thoughts. This is something that has become more difficult in my absence from the blog. My thought pattern is a lot more negative than I’d like to admit. I didn’t even realize it until I examined my thoughts recently. One day in February (which, explains a lot in itself), I came to the realization that I was dreading waking up each day. I didn’t believe I had anything to look forward to. I was believing a lie that my brain had sold me. 

February is indeed a bleak month. If you live in a Northern climate I am sure you can relate. In reality, I have a lot to look forward to and to be grateful for in my days. I just wasn’t focusing on those things. Instead, I was focusing on how tired I felt, and how much I likely wasn’t going to accomplish that day. I told myself I was waking up on empty, which I was, but it was also my job to fill myself up. 

So, I’ve been trying to wake up earlier before the kids are awake (before the needs start rolling in) so that I can fill myself up with positive things. I’ve been journaling, and taking my mornings more slowly. I’ve been reading through the gospels and spending more time with God. I have a whole list of positive things I’m working on focusing on in order to rid myself of the negative thought patterns that were holding me back from thriving in my days. I guess I’m back because I want to grow in self awareness and share whatever I learn along the way.

Whatever reason you have for finding your way to my blog today, I want to say, I am glad you’re here and I hope some of my realizations help you in some way.