Monday, March 3, 2025

First Post of a New Chapter

If you’re new to this blog, welcome! You’re coming in at the start of something new. If you’ve found yourself back to my blog, welcome back! It’s been a couple of years.

I’m Kalyn and I’m a millennial. I started blogging in 2011. I took a break from blogging from 2023 until now, 2025. I stopped blogging because it was no longer serving me in that season of my life. At the time, blogging became something I viewed more as an obligation. When I wasn’t keeping up with my own blogging expectations, it became a source of defeat rather than something that brought me joy. I made my blog private during my break because I was no longer comfortable sharing all of the photos of my children with the world. Moving forward, if I share photos of my family their privacy will be taken into account much better.

The reason I started blogging in 2011 was to help keep myself accountable to my goal of losing weight. This is why my blog is called: Goal of Losing. I still have a goal of losing weight but it’s not as much of a priority as it once was for me and I’d like to change that so I can improve my health. 

I am also back now because I miss the benefits of blogging. When I write a post, I must sit with my own thoughts. This is something that has become more difficult in my absence from the blog. My thought pattern is a lot more negative than I’d like to admit. I didn’t even realize it until I examined my thoughts recently. One day in February (which, explains a lot in itself), I came to the realization that I was dreading waking up each day. I didn’t believe I had anything to look forward to. I was believing a lie that my brain had sold me. 

February is indeed a bleak month. If you live in a Northern climate I am sure you can relate. In reality, I have a lot to look forward to and to be grateful for in my days. I just wasn’t focusing on those things. Instead, I was focusing on how tired I felt, and how much I likely wasn’t going to accomplish that day. I told myself I was waking up on empty, which I was, but it was also my job to fill myself up. 

So, I’ve been trying to wake up earlier before the kids are awake (before the needs start rolling in) so that I can fill myself up with positive things. I’ve been journaling, and taking my mornings more slowly. I’ve been reading through the gospels and spending more time with God. I have a whole list of positive things I’m working on focusing on in order to rid myself of the negative thought patterns that were holding me back from thriving in my days. I guess I’m back because I want to grow in self awareness and share whatever I learn along the way.

Whatever reason you have for finding your way to my blog today, I want to say, I am glad you’re here and I hope some of my realizations help you in some way.

1 comment:

Mrs Swan said...

I saw your comment on MaryFran's which of course made me come visit as not many are blogging anymore. As soon as I saw your picture I was like whaaaaaiiiiittttt I feel like I used to read her blog. Welcome back into the blog world! I am not the best at it anymore but I still do it!

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