Monday, March 24, 2025

Nobody Wants to Lose Just 1 Pound

Nobody wants to lose just one pound, until they’re just one pound away from their goal! That’s where I’m at, and with plenty of time to spare.


March 1: 240lbs. 
March 7: 237lbs. 
March 14: 233lbs.
March 21: 231lbs.

I know I’ll be reaching my 10 pound weight-loss goal anytime now. The new goal now is to keep the weight off for the remainder of March, and to not lose steam in April. I want to keep losing!

Sunset from date night on Friday - I’ll hopefully post about it soon!

It’s also time to start thinking about what I want my weight-loss reward to be. I mentioned earlier in the month that I want to reward myself for every 10 pounds lost. I’m still thinking on what the reward will be.

Meal plan for this week:

Sunday: Chili + Sourdough

Monday: Egg Roll Bowls

Tuesday: Chicken Sausage + Roast Veg + Potatoes

Wednesday: Slow Mexi Chicken

Thursday: Lemon Caper Fish + Pasta + Salad

Friday: OTE

I actually didn’t eat or make dinner last night so the Chili that was scheduled for Sunday can wait for next weekend or be used as a fill in on a day when I’d rather have that for dinner than what’s on the menu.

The stomach bug that has been going through our house finally caught up to me, Sunday morning. My husband joked that now I’ll really meet my weight-loss goal. Truth be told I usually either gain weight or stay around the same weight when I’m sick and recovering. I think it’s because I eat a lot more carbs than I’m used to since that’s typically accepted by my stomach during and after having the stomach bug. Time will tell! All I care about right now is feeling better and getting back some of my energy!


Lauren said...

Ugh, the stomach bug is no fun! Hope you’re feeling better soon!

Goal of Losing said...

Thanks, Lauren!

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